Cynthia Brooking - Gold Coast
Hello – my name is Cynthia, and I love to ‘Support Couples to create Peaceful Solutions’ and primarily to guide individuals feeling stuck in a conflict cycle, to move forward and find resolve. My passion is seeing break throughs in mindsets around conflict.
As part of this team, and others, my focus and desire for this year 2020 is to improve and guide individuals and families, to feel empowered and understood. Also, to know how conflict is perceived in our day to day living, as it is often deeply engrained from our life experiences and our childhood.
My motto and belief is ‘Peace is not the absence of conflict: it’s the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means’ – Ronald Reagan
Cynthia is a Nationally Accredited Mediator, Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, an accredited Transformative Relationship Mediator, and a Family Group Conference Practitioner. My former experience was mainly in working in the community with at risk young people and culturally diverse young people and their families.
Cynthia Brooking's Certifications
- Accredited Mediator (NMAS)
- Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute (GradDipFDR)
- Diploma in Community Services (DipComServ)
- Diploma in Management (DipMan)
- Certified in Transformative Mediation (TRM)
- Certified in Family Group Conferencing (FGC)
- Cert IV Training & Assessment (TAE)
- Mediation Institute – Teacher, Trainer
- Coach – New Ways for Families (Parenting without Conflict)

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