Lee Lee - Townsville
Lee has a vision of creating a brighter and more positive world one step at a time with a mission of empowering individuals to collaborate and develop innovative sustainable solutions to manage conflicts.
Lee exhibits a genuine dedication to human welfare, in particular, vulnerable individuals and families.
As a highly motivated and self-driven practitioner, Lee continuously engages in professional development to better assist clients in positive conflict management.
Lee is a Nationally Accredited Mediator, Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, an accredited Transformative Relationship Mediator, and a Family Group Conference Practitioner.
Lee Lee’s Certifications
- Master of Business Adminstration (MBA)
- Master of Conflict Management and Resolution (MCMR)
- Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (Attorney Generals Department)
- Nationally Accredited Mediator (NMAS)
- Transformative Relationship Mediation Practitioner (TRM)
- Family Group Conferencing Facilitator (FGC)
- Group Conferencing Convenor (GCC)
- Workplace and Commercial Mediation (WPC)
- Conflict Management Coach (CMC)
- Post-Separation Parenting New Ways for Families Coach (PS-Parenting)
- Bachelor of Biotechnology Honours IA (BBiotech IA)
Ongoing professional development in dispute resolution, family violence, family law, interpersonal skills and other relevant topics.
Lee endeavours to evolve lives through professional and positive conflict management.

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